Home AE Template Elementor #23470

Basic Pack


Create email templates for yourself and 
for non-commercial purposes.

  • Limited Modules
  • No crdit card needed
  • Keep and load your projects
  • MailChimp integration
  • Hubspot integration

Advance plan

$ 24.5/ mo

Create email templates for yourself and 
for non-commercial purposes.

  • For one brand only
  • All modules and unlimited exports
  • Full access to all features
  • Keep and load your projects
  • MailChimp integration
  • Hubspot integration
  • Direct email preview
  • Billed annually

Premium plan

$ 37.4 / mo

Create email templates for yourself and 
for non-commercial purposes.

  • Multiple brands
  • All modules and unlimited exports
  • Full access to all features
  • Keep and load your projects
  • MailChimp integration
  • HubSpot integration
  • Free image hosting
  • Direct email preview
  • Team Access
  • Billed annually
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